Renovations, bathrooms, kitchens home building - London, Ontario - Construction jobs, skilled labor, trade jobs, London, Ontario - 3182768


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Renovations, bathrooms, kitchens home building - Construction jobs, skilled labor, trade jobs

Ref. number: 3182768 Updated: 12-02-2025 20:47

Offering: Construction jobs, skilled labor, trade jobs in Canada, London, Ontario

HJK Construction, over 30 years qualified in contracting, home building, home repairs. Previous partner of a london home building company, S and R Custom Homes. We specialize in locating and fixing problems other trademen can't or lack the skills and know how to locate. At HJK Construction we do little jobs like kitchen sinks, we also do expansions and full home building, "no job too big no job too small". We work with qualified trademen like plumber's, HVAC, electricians, designers and architects to get your job done right and on budget. Phone 226-505-6319 email

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Contact information
First name: Reg
Last name: Joseph
Phone number: 226-505-6319
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